It all started with a beautiful pair of silver plated stirrups. They were found at an antique show and I knew I needed to make a rocking horse to show them at their best. He needed to be a big black horse on Victorian boat rockers.
I made him and he became an amazing lovely black rocking horse. He is almost 2.5 metres long and was going to require a very special ( and large ) home to show him off to his best. He looked so good that I decided he needed a special little saddle so I imported an English riding saddle which just sets him off. A white sheep skin finished the look.
As he is so big ( he takes up over 1 metre more in length than the other rocking horses we have ) I thought it would be awhile before he found his home but I was mistaken he has found it and will be delivered in time for Christmas. Not only that but I have an order for a second Black Beauty. Unfortunately I only have one pair of antique stirrups but he will still look awesome and will make such a statement in his new home.